Features and fixes post-7DRL

For posterity, I have not touched the version of the game here on itch.io since the end of 7DRL, but I have made the following fixes and improvements on the version on my own site. You can play the version with the fixes at jimkang.com/crabbington.
Turn indicator
There's now a field in the HUD that indicates when it's your turn and when it's the other characters' turns. I have some design ideas about how this could be better, but it's better than it was, because no one had any idea when it was their turn before.
Find your crab
Now, when a new game starts, it will start with your character, the hermit crab, centered in your view. There is also a button in the HUD that lets you bring the crab back into the center of the view if you've zoomed or panned away and lost track of it.
New game fixes
There were bugs in keeping track of which character's turn it was when you started a new game, which forced you to reload if you wanted to play. These have been fixed.
Please let me know if you run into any other problems! I'm probably going to keep slowly picking away at this game for a few months
You are a hermit crab. You want to get the GRAIL, the best possible shell you have heard of.
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